35 research outputs found

    Multiphysics based Analysis of Materials for Roads in Cold Regions to Prevent Ice Adhesion and Low-Temperature Crack Developments

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    Roads constitute a significant hazard if the effects of wintertime are not handled well. After a heavy snowfall, the most dangerous factor is a slippery surface due to ice adhesion with the asphalt pavement. The ice on roads increases the risk of road accidents and, upon melting, contributes to the formation of Low-Temperature Cracks (LTCs) and potholes. This research explores the physical principle that could remove the ice from concrete roads by investigating whether road ice is susceptible to self-separation upon loading when the road surfaces in cold regions are coated with a polymer-based material such as polyurethane. This study conducted an experimental and numerical analysis of ice-polyurethane and ice-concrete separation under tensile load and calculated the Von-Mises stresses on the surfaces. Results revealed higher Von-Mises stresses on ice when the base material is polyurethane compared to concrete, indicating ice is more prone to self-separation when adhered to polyurethane than concrete. These results are important for increasing the operational life of roads in cold regions and reducing the number of road accidents. In addition, polyurethane is a potential material for pre-emptive road measures, such as repairing cracks before they become potholes

    Finite Element Analysis to determine the impact of Infill density on Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Materials

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) is the process in which objects are created through the layer-by-layer deposition of material that is controlled by a computer. The infill is the internal structure of the 3D printed model. It determines the strength, weight, cost, time, and overall quality of the part. Ranging from simple lines to more complex geometric shapes, infill patterns can affect a part's performance. This study aims to conduct a Numerical Analysis for cross pattern infills with various infill densities of 0%, 10%, 19, 28%, 64%, and 100%. CAD models were developed, and FEA Analysis was performed to compare the deformation and Von Mises stresses produced by a cuboid structure under 1 MPa compressional load. Linear Isotropic Material with Young's Modulus of 70 GPA and the Poisson ratio of 0.3 was used, and quarter symmetry was applied to reduce the mesh size. The results revealed that the increasing infill percentage decreases the deformation and Von Mises stresses produced in a body under compression loading. This study helps to determine optimal infill density for maximizing strength and minimizing the weight of the 3D printed part

    AI/ML Algorithms and Applications in VLSI Design and Technology

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    An evident challenge ahead for the integrated circuit (IC) industry in the nanometer regime is the investigation and development of methods that can reduce the design complexity ensuing from growing process variations and curtail the turnaround time of chip manufacturing. Conventional methodologies employed for such tasks are largely manual; thus, time-consuming and resource-intensive. In contrast, the unique learning strategies of artificial intelligence (AI) provide numerous exciting automated approaches for handling complex and data-intensive tasks in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) design and testing. Employing AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms in VLSI design and manufacturing reduces the time and effort for understanding and processing the data within and across different abstraction levels via automated learning algorithms. It, in turn, improves the IC yield and reduces the manufacturing turnaround time. This paper thoroughly reviews the AI/ML automated approaches introduced in the past towards VLSI design and manufacturing. Moreover, we discuss the scope of AI/ML applications in the future at various abstraction levels to revolutionize the field of VLSI design, aiming for high-speed, highly intelligent, and efficient implementations

    Qualitative visualization of the development of stresses through infrared thermography

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    In this work, the IR thermography was used to study the steel specimens (DIN 50125 Standard) undergoing the tensile tests. The tensile tests were performed using GUNT® Hamburg Universal Material Tester. The tensile specimens were clamped, and the test force was applied using a hand-operated hydraulic system. A dial gauge measured the elongation of the specimens. Using the WP 300.20 system for data acquisition, the measured values for force and displacement were recorded in a PC. The IR thermographic imaging was performed using the FLIR® T1030sc IR camera and ResearchIR Max software. The steel specimens were coated with high emissivity paint. The tests revealed that the steel specimens show noticeable thermal signature when undergoing tensile loading

    Multiphysics based Modal and Harmonic Analysis of Axial Turbines

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    The presented work discusses the vibration behavior of an axial turbine, analyzed using the finite element method (FEM) using commercial software ANSYS®. The turbine was modeled as a 2-D plate type of structure discretized with 4-noded shell 63 elements to save computational time. Constraints were applied keeping in view the actual operating conditions. The turbine was modeled with more than one FE meshes. Mesh sensitivity analysis was carried out to ensure the quality and independence of the results. Modal analysis was conducted to calculate a few initial natural frequencies. Results were studied against the operating frequency of the turbine. After carrying out the modal analysis, harmonic analysis was performed to see the response of the turbine under dynamic loading. The nature and cause of the dynamic loading are also discussed in relation to dynamic behavior. It was observed that the turbine is safe in its entire range of operation as far as the phenomenon of resonance is concerned. Also, it was observed that the maximum harmonic response of the turbine on the application of dynamic loading is far lesser than its failure limit within the specified operating range

    Ice shedding from wind turbines

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    Wind power is an excellent source of renewable energy in areas with sufficient wind resources. Usually, the best locations for wind turbines are on the tops of hills and ridges, where there are lower temperatures [1]. Cold temperatures are responsible for novel challenges [2, 3]. Due to cold climatic conditions, turbine blades are subjected to icing [4]. A number of methods have been proposed and tested for prevention and removal of ice on wind turbine blades, but no solution has been discovered to avoid it completely. The icing on the blades results in the phenomenon of ‘ice shedding’

    Geometry scaling impact on leakage currents in FinFET standard cells based on a logic-level leakage estimation technique

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    Static power consumption is one of the most critical issues in CMOS digital circuits, and FinFET technology is being recognized as a valid solution for the problem. In this chapter, we utilize a logic-level leakage current estimation technique relying on an internal node voltage-based model. The model is implemented in the form of VHDL packages. By utilizing the capability of the model, the behavior of major leakage component has been analyzed separately for FinFET technology scaling over single- and multi-stage digital standard cells

    The good soldier Švejk

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    Title: Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka za světové války (The good soldier Švejk and his fortunes in the World War) Original published: as a series of popular readings in Prague during 1921– 1923 Language: Czech The excerpts used are from: The Good Soldier Švejk and his Fortunes in the World War. Translated from Czech by Cecil Parrott (Middlesex: Penguin Books with W. Heinemann, 1983), pp. 67–73. About the author Jaroslav Hašek [1883, Prague – 1923, Lipnice near Německý Brod (after 1945 Havlíčkův ..

    Multiphysics Study of Tensile Testing using Infrared thermography

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    In this work, the IR thermography was used to study the steel specimens (DIN 50125 Standard) undergoing the tensile tests. The tensile tests were performed using GUNT® Hamburg Universal Material Tester. The tensile specimens were clamped, and the test force was generated using a handoperated hydraulic system. A dial gauge measured the elongation of the specimens. Using the WP 300.20 system for data acquisition, the measured values for force and displacement were recorded in a PC. The IR thermographic imaging was performed using the FLIR® T1030sc IR camera and ResearchIR Max software. The steel specimens were coated with high emissivity paint. Thermography revealed that the steel specimens show noticeable thermal signature when undergoing tensile loading. The samples were found to be warmer by 20-25 °C at the time of failure. The tests were repeated under various surrounding temperatures such as 25 °C, -5 °C, -10 °C, -15 °C, and -20 °C. The same study was compared with the finite element numerical simulation in ANSYS® Workbench. The experimental and simulation results were found to be in a qualitative agreement

    Multiphysics Impact Analysis of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Shell

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    With increasing popularity of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) over time, the need for research in the field has increased dramatically. Many industries, i.e. aeronautical, automotive, and marine are opting to install carbon fiber in their structures to account for harsh environments like cold temperatures applications, but the research on the temperature exposure behavior of the materials are limited. This study aims to investigate the impact resistance of CFRP samples using the air gun tests. Two different shaped pellets (Diabolo and Storm pellets) were used in this work. The pellets speeds were calculated using a high-speed camera. The tests were performed in in the room temperature (22°C) as well as in the cold room where the test pieces exposed to about -28°C for seven days. The experimental studies were performed and compared against finite element simulations using ANSYS®. The studies also included layering of the CFRP samples to find the limiting thickness of pellets penetration. It was concluded that the thickness of 0.79mm and below of CFRP, cannot resist the impact of pellets. The visual inspection of failure revealed that the CFRP has gone through a brittle failure. However, temperature was found to have no significant impact on the results as similar behavior of CFRP was observed in both room conditions (22°C) and cold temperatures (-28°C)